Antonio D'Alfonso
Images, words, film, music
foto from personal archives
Antonio D'Alfonso
Images, words, film, music
foto from personal archives

Images, words, film, music
foto from personal archives
Images, words, film, music
foto from personal archives
Poet, novelist, essayist, translator, Antonio D’Alfonso has published more than 40 titles and has made three feature films. He is the founder of Guernica Editions which he managed for thirty-three years before passing it on to new owners in 2010. For his writings, he won the Trillium Award, the Bressani Award, and the New York Independent Film Award for his film, Bruco.He holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto. In 2016, he received a Honorary Doctorate from Athabasca University.
Foto by Gino D'Alfonso.
1996. Toronto.
1959-60: Saint Aloysius Elementary.
1960-64: Saint-Finbarr Elementary.
1964-66: Saint-Michel Elementary.
1966-70: John F. Kennedy High School.
1970-72: Loyola College
1972-75: Loyola College/Concordia University. B.A. (Communication Arts)
1976-79: Université de Montréal. M.Sc. (Communication Science).
2007-2012: University of Toronto. Ph.D. Ita
1959-60: Saint Aloysius Elementary.
1960-64: Saint-Finbarr Elementary.
1964-66: Saint-Michel Elementary.
1966-70: John F. Kennedy High School.
1970-72: Loyola College
1972-75: Loyola College/Concordia University. B.A. (Communication Arts)
1976-79: Université de Montréal. M.Sc. (Communication Science).
2007-2012: University of Toronto. Ph.D. Italian Studies (Film).
2016: Athabasca University. Honorary Doctorate. Ph.D. of Letters.
La Pellicule ensorcelée: Une analyse sémiologique de Mouchette,un film de Robert Bresson.
I could have been a contender: A Semiotic Analysis of Five Films on Italians Outside Italy:
Pane e ciccolatte (It) 1974;
Queen of Hearts (UK), 1989;
L'emmerdeur (Fr), 1973;
Raging Bull (USA), 1980;
Mediterraneo sempre (Canada), 2000.
Antonio D'Alfonso
La chanson du shaman à Sedna (1973)
Queror (1979)
Black Tongue (1983)
The Other Shore (1985)
L’Autre rivage (1986)
L’amour panique (1987)
Julia (1992)
Panick Love (1992)
L’apostrophe qui me scinde (1998, 2010)
Comment ça se passe (2001)
Getting on with Politics (2002)
Antigone (2004)
Bruco (2005)
Un homme de trop (2005)
Un a
Antonio D'Alfonso
La chanson du shaman à Sedna (1973)
Queror (1979)
Black Tongue (1983)
The Other Shore (1985)
L’Autre rivage (1986)
L’amour panique (1987)
Julia (1992)
Panick Love (1992)
L’apostrophe qui me scinde (1998, 2010)
Comment ça se passe (2001)
Getting on with Politics (2002)
Antigone (2004)
Bruco (2005)
Un homme de trop (2005)
Un ami, un nuage (2013)
The Irrelevant Man (2014)
Ne m’interrompez pas (avec Suzanne Biron, photos)
Antigone (Ekstasis, 2016)
Antigone (Noroît, 2018)
Colección México, translated by Gabriel Martin (Mantis Editores, 2018)
Two-Headed Man: Collected Poems 1970-2020 (Guernica Editions, 2020)
Vanno più veloce di me (2024, translated by Anna Ciamparella.
Avril ou l’anti-passion (1990)
Fabrizio’s Passion (1995)
La passione de Fabrizio (transl. by Antonello Lombardi, 2002)
Un vendredi du mois d’août (2004)
A Friday in August (transl. by Jo-Anne Elder, 2005)
L’Aimé (2007)
In Italics : In Defence of Ethnicity (1996)
Duologue : On Culture and Identity (with Pasquale Verdicchio, 1998)
En italiques : Réflexions sur l’ethnicité (2000)
Gambling with Failure (2005)
Etnilisuse kaitskes (transl. by Reet Sool, 2006)
In corsivo italico (transl. by Silvana Mangione, 2009)
Ne m’interrompez pas(avec Suzanne Biron) (photos) (Noroît, 2015)
Poetica del Pluriculturalismo (Samuele Editore, 2015)
Em italico: Reflexoes sobre a ethnicidade (translated by Ala Lucia Silva Paranhos), (UFRGS editora, 2015)
Antonio D'Alfonso: Essays on His Works. Edited by Licia Canton
The Italian Canadian Writer (Ekstasis Editions, 2023)
1985: The Clarity of Voices, by Philippe Haeck (Guernica Editions)
1997: The Films of Jacques Tati, by Michel Chion (Guernica)
2000: La paysage qui bouge, by Pasquale Verdicchio (Le Noroît, 2000).
2003: On Order and Things,by Stefan Psenak (Guernica).
2003: Dreaming Our Space ,by Marguerite Andersen (Guernica).
2005: The Blueness of Light, by Louise Dupré (Guernica).
2005: The World Forgotten, by Paul Bélanger (Guernica).
2008: The Last Woman, by Claudine Bertrand (Guernica).
2010: The Man Who Delivers Clouds, by José Acquelin (Guernica).
2011: twohundredandfourspoems, by Roger des Roches (Guernica).
2011: Un bonheur inattendu, by Marella Caracciolo Chia (Leméac)
2012: Un bonheur inattendu, by Marella Caracciolo Chia (Syrtes, Paris).
2013:Wings Folded in Cracks, by Jean-Pierre Vallotton (Guernica)
2014: Hours, by Fernand Ouellette (Guernica).
2014: Beyond the Flames, by Louise Dupré (Guernica)
2014: The Body Vagabond, by Martine Audet (Ekstasis)
2014: The Terror Chronicles, by Normand De Bellefeuille (Ekstasis)
2014: Words and the Stone, by Pierrettte Micheloud (Ekstasis)
2014: Manhattan Poems, by Claudio Angelini (Ekstasis)
2015: Farida, a novel by Naïm Kattan, (translated with Norman Cornett) (Guernica)
2015: The Intimate Frailty of Mortals, by Paul Chamberland (Ekstasis)
2015: I travel the world, by Thierry Renard (Ekstasis)
2015: Weeping Will Not Save the Stars, by François Guerrette, (Ekstasis)
2016: The Wind Under Our Footsteps, by Diane Régimbald (Ekstasis, 2016)
2016: We are what we love, by Bernard Pozier (Ekstasis)
2016: Sails for Exile, by Mona Latif-Chattas (with Yasmine Mariam Kloth, Ekstasis)
2016: Toward the Rising Sun, by Robert Giroux (Ekstasis)
2017: On Love, by Jack Keguenne (Ekstasis)
2017:Daring Touch,Louise Cotnoir (Ekstasis, 2017)
2018 :Vigil Poems, by Jean Royer (Guernica)
2018 :Words for the Traveler, by Hugues Corriveau (Ekstasis)
2018: Woman with Camerca, Corinne Larochelle (Ekstasis)
2018: Night Blues (Violet Night by Yolande Villemaire & Jack and Billie in the Blues of Night by Claude Beausoleil) (Ekstasis)
2019 : Celebrations, Naïm Kattan (Ekstasis).
2020 : Tell me what moves you, Philippe Haeck (Guernica Editions)
2022 : Laike et Nahum, Ruth Panofsky (Edition du Noroît).
2022 : Pessoa in Montreal, Paul Bélanger (Ekstasis Editions).
Nonna (short 16mm, black and white, 1973, 2004)
La Coupe de Circé (short 16mm, black and white, 1974-2005)
Pour t’aimer (28 minutes, 16mm black and white, 1982-1987-2005)
My Trip to Oaxaca (90 minutes, 2005)
Bruco (90 minutes, 2005) = Best Foreign Film, Best International Director Award at the New York International Film Festival
Antigone (87 minutes, 2012)=Bronze Award, Prestige Festival
Real Gangsters (Frank D’Angelo, 2013, actor)
Duse and Me (2015, short)
La chambre éphémère (75 minutes 2017, co-director) Finalist of the Prix REAL Award. Onze poètes du Québec.
Live in Toronto (59 minutes, 2017).
Elisa’s piano concert (5 minutes, 2017).
TATA (193 minutes, 2020).
Conversation with Lazar Rockwood (2020).
Conversation with Monica Lavin (2020).
Conversation with Pasquale Verdicchio (2020).
Conversation avec Paul Bélanger (2020).
Conversation with Damiano Pietropaolo (2021).
Conversation with Jose Pivato (2021).
Conversation with Enrico Granafei (2021).
Conversazione con Gino Chiellino (2022).
Conversation with Anca Christifovici (2022).
Conversation with Daniel Sloate (2022).
Conversation with Luciano Iacobelli (2022).
Conversation with Maria Mazziotti Gillan (2023).
Sono (90 minutes, 2024)
Conversation with Robert Marra (2024).
Antigone is an Italian North-American woman
having to deal with the laws of society.
A photographer going-blind, two fathers, a daughter, and a second daughter. This three-hour home-movie deals with
photography, fatherhood, and daughterhood.
Release is due summer 2020.
Notices will be made on Facebook and Youtube.
Night Talks (1997, CD 50:49 minutes)
Passione e po’ di vino (poetry and music, 2001)
Sub Urban Gypsy, Dominic Mancuso Group (2014)
Night Drive, with Dominic Mancuso (2016)
La chambre éphémère, soundtrack (2018)
Antonio appears regularly at the Mariposa Café in N.D.G.
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